Would you prefer to set-up your parish giving online?
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Each of us has been given unique gifts by God for the building up of His kingdom.
Please prayerfully consider what gifts you have to offer and than click the link above to complete our "We Are Called to Serve" form. Then, simply return it to the Parish Office via email or USPS and a staff member or committee member will follow up to help get you connected.
FY2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
In their pastoral letter on stewardship, the United States Catholic Bishops defined a Christian Steward as one who:
We have all been blessed by the Lord. We all have gifts and talents to use for God’s glory and in service to others.
The most powerful symbol of selfless love is the Cross. We cannot look at the cross and remain unmoved. God has emptied Himself for our sake. What is our response in return?
How do we use our time, talent and treasure? We are very busy people and we can carry a lot of responsibility at work and at home. Some of us have to take on more than one job to make ends meet. Our time is precious and so often we do not have enough of it to spend with our families and friends. There can be little time for rest and relaxation.
But none of this should make us push God to the margins of our lives. To lose faith in God is ultimately to lose faith in ourselves. Every Sunday we are called to give glory to God through worship and praise, to be challenged and inspired by His Word, to be nourished by Him and sent forth to serve the world in justice and with love.
We are all responsible for the life and mission of the Church by virtue of our baptism. None of us are spectators in the Church but participators. We support the Church, our parish, through the gift of our treasure as well as through the gift of our time and talents. Do we tip our parish or plan our giving, making it part of our weekly, monthly and yearly budget? Where our treasure is there will our heart be.
We all know the story of the “Widow’s Mite”. Jesus was seated outside the Temple Treasury watching people make their contributions. A poor widow came and offered but two copper coins. Her gift could not have benefited the Temple very much financially, but it is obvious that in her total giving God meant everything to her. Are we like her, wanting to give to God because He has given everything to us through the gift of His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ?
No matter how difficult life can be, we still have something to give back to God in whose presence we long to be for all eternity.
As you read these words, think carefully how you truly use your time, talent and treasure.
We thank you, Lord, for all the gifts you have given us: our life and health, our talents and abilities, those who love us and those we work with every day. Inspire us, who have received much, to share generously with others and to give of our plenty with those who have little.