Two teams gathered for our daytime event and five teams for our evening event to test their knowledge, have fun and win prizes and bragging rights. Our daytime event first place winners were the G.O.A.T. team comprised of Beth McCullough, Chad Dean, Nancy Ridgell, Donna and Mike Shay & Dan and Marie Freeman. The daytime second place winners were the Know Nothing team with members Nina Taylor, Jessie Woodward, Mike Porter and Jane Wood. Our evening event first place winners were the Triple T team whose members included Fr. Lewis, Maureen & Mark Cassidy, Tony & Denise Sala and Bridget & Tony Pennington. And, our evening event second place winners were Marty & The Teachers with team members Marty & Colleen Dori and friends. Our daytime event first and second place teams received the Gold & Silver "Lizzie" (St. Elizabeth) award and our evening event first and second place teams received the Gold & Silver "Bennie" (St. Benedict) award (photo of gold "Bennie" & "Lizzie" awards below). Can't wait to play again!