Bishop Koenig invites the men of the Diocese to consider applying for the Deacon Formation Program, which will begin in June 2023, by attending an Information Night. The five-year program consists of human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation. Beginning in May 2024, academic instruction consists of three 12-week trimesters per year and offers two courses per trimester. Spiritual formation is held one Saturday per month during the initial ten months of discernment and then every six weeks during academic instruction. Applicants must be at least 30 years of age and no older than 62 years of age by March 2023. Applicants must demonstrate a zeal for service to God’s people. Volunteer experience in a parish or diocesan ministry is preferred.
Maryland Right to Life Mission recognizes the fundamental value of every human life. If you feel as we do that it is time for action, please join us. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, April 18 at 7pm in the Parish Hall behind St. Benedict Church in Ridgely. Community members of all faiths are welcome to attend.
The Fundraising Committee is sponsoring a Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser. Click the picture at the left for an order form. Through the fundraiser, you may order glazed or chocolate frosted donuts by the dozen ($12/dozen) as well as bagged coffee – regular or decaf ($14/bag). All orders must be received in the Parish Office no later than Friday, April 7th. Donuts and coffee will be available for pickup after the Mass of your choosing on the weekend of April 15th & 16th.
On Friday, March 24th, the Knights of Columbus will host their Friday Night Fellowship Dinner in the Parish Hall from 5:00-7:30p.m. The menu includes Shrimp Alfredo over Fettucini, garden salad, and garlic bread. Cost is $8 per person and kid's under 6 eat free. At 7:00p.m. our Youth Ministry will perform their Shadow Stations of the Cross in St. Benedict Church.
Pope Francis reminds us that, “Lent is a favorable season for deepening our spiritual life through the means of sanctification offered us by the Church: fasting, prayer and almsgiving. At the basis of everything is the word of God, which during this season we are invited to hear and ponder more deeply.” Looking for some ways to enrich your Lenten prayer journey and deepen your spirituality during this penitential season? Click the picture at the left to find offerings at the parish.