Enjoy a feast before the fast ... Come to the Parish Hall on Tuesday, February 25th from 5:00-7:00p.m. for a delicious meal of pancakes and sausage and fellowship with your parish family. There is no cost for the dinner but a Free Will Offering will be taken up for the benefit of the Poor Box. Hope to see you there!
The Blessed Virgin Mother Ladies' Sodality is sponsoring this retreat which will focus on the book "The One Thing is Three" by Fr. Michael Gaitley. They have sponsored two prior retreats using books by Fr. Gaitley and each one has been informative and inspiring. Books will be provided and there is no cost to attend. Simply contact the Parish Office to register.
Following so many others and to comply with recommended social distancing to limit the spread of coronavirus, we find it necessary to cancel the Walk for the Well of It which was originally scheduled for Sunday, March 22nd. Members of the Walk for the Well of It Planning Committee will reach out individually to all registered participants to deliver or mail your race shirts. Visit the Lifetime Wells International Facebook page for additional details.