N.U.T.S. (Neighbors United to Serve) Annual THANKSGIVING DINNER On November 28, Neighbors United to Serve (N.U.T.S), a community group comprised of volunteers from several area churches including St. Benedict/St. Elizabeth, will be preparing its 28
th Annual Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner to share the blessings of Thanksgiving with over
1200 people in our local community. This year, our parish will take the lead in the preparations. Volunteers are needed to assist with food preparation on Wednesday, November 27
th at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Denton from 9:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. Volunteers are also needed on Thanksgiving morning (Thursday, November 28
th) to help with food packaging and clean-up at St. Luke’s in Denton from 6:00-9:00a.m. and from 6:00a.m. – 9:00a.m. at Immaculate Conception Church in Marydel to assist with food packaging and clean-up. You can request meals by visiting bit.ly/NUTSMeal online, by calling 443-550-1180 or by completing
this form and mailing it to NUTS Thanksgiving, PO Box 255, Denton MD 21629. All reservation forms must be received by November 25